Happy Birthday to the Kendo Alliance!!
Some three years ago a group of Kendoka banded together as one to forge a new association and devoted their time and efforts to developing Kendo. Many obstacles were against them, and some still not overcome, but they continue to ensure the development of Kendo in Brunei without compromising the ideals and basis in which the Alliance was founded.
While many can criticise the shortcomings of the Alliance, today we should praise their achievements! Kendo Alliance is the Largest Kendo Association in Brunei, with some 8 schools being provided with instructors and close to 100 members.
With three great years under President Lim Han, it has been so far a great reign. We hope that he will continue on for three more years and beyond!
And to all members of the Kendo Alliance, thank you all for your efforts the past three years. Young and Old, Junior or Senior, you've all done your part, and we hope that you will continue to support the Alliance. Thank You!