Feb 7, 2010

Bokuto ni yoru Kendo kihon waza keiko ho

Kendo waza executed by using bokuto, for more info please go to http://www.kendo-guide.com/bokuto-ni-yoru-kendo-kihon-waza-keiko-ho.html

Techniques included in Bokutō Keiko Hō:

1. Single cuts: Men, Kote, Dō, Tsuki
2. Two continuous cuts: Kote and Men
3. Harai waza: Harai Men (using omote the left side of your sword)
4. Hiki waza: Hiki Dō (the right dō)
5. Nuki waza: Men Nuki Dō (the right dō)
6. Suriage waza: Kote Suriage Men(using ura the right side of your sword)
7. Debana waza: Debana Kote
8. Kaeshi waza: Men Kaeshi Dō (the right dō)
9. Uchiotoshi waza: Dō Uchiotoshi Men (the right dō)